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TEMA B     


The Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict


Russian Isolation - The Effect of the Disconnection of Russia from the World

Mariana Zarama & Elisa Restrepo 

Security Council


Dear delegates, welcome to VESMUN’s Security Council. For us, Mariana Zarama and Elisa Restrepo it is an absolute honor to be your presidents in this MUN’s twelfth version. We feel completely grateful for your participation in this committee and this model, and we are exhilarated for what lies ahead.

The Security Council is one of the six main organs of the United Nations, and it is responsible for maintaining universal peace and security, hence coming times are in your hands. As delegates, you must have a broad knowledge of the topics that will be treated and handle them to ensure your delegation’s satisfaction to the fullest extent. You are expected to provide rigorous grounds and evidence to support your position, which shall be defended at all costs. Being a member of the United Nations Security Council means that you must be a leader, a guide, and a conciliator despite the challenges that will be presented.

We hope this will be an enriching experience for your personal life, for you will meet new people, learn from them, and let them learn from you. We trust your skills and are positive that you can overcome this future hurdle. Finally, we would like to remind you that our role is to lead your way, so in case you have any doubts or comments please contact us without hesitating, we will be there for you.

Without further ado, welcome to VESMUN’s XII Security Council!

Best regards,

Elisa Restrepo                                                              Mariana Zarama ​

Get in touch:
(318) 6007259 // (315) 3541641
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