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TEMA B     


Creation of Measures Against the Drug Trafficking Network in the Golden Triangle.


 Evaluation of the External Influences on Money Laundering Cases

Alejandro Gutiérrez & Samuel González 

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


Esteemed delegates, 


With immense pleasure and profound gratitude, we extend a warm welcome to each of you as you embark on this extraordinary journey at the XII edition of VESMUN. As your presidents, we are deeply honored to have been entrusted with the responsibility of guiding you through this experience. 


VESMUN, more than just an academic endeavor, is a life-changing academic event that empowers us to transcend personal boundaries and embrace our roles as global citizens. It is a platform where we can confront the pressing challenges of our world, equipping ourselves with the intelligence, conviction, and diplomatic finesse needed to navigate the complexities of the diplomatic world. 


As your presidents, we encourage you to embrace this opportunity with enthusiasm, to showcase your capabilities, and to learn from your mistakes to become the best delegate you are able to be. Embrace VESMUN as the opportunity to grow personally, for it is within these walls that you will cultivate the skills and forge the connections that will shape your future as global leaders. 


We expect nothing less than your absolute best during each session of debate, but more importantly, we hope that by the culmination of this extraordinary experience, you will emerge as individuals empowered to make a meaningful impact on the world. With immense faith in your potential, we wish you an enriching and transformative journey at VESMUN. 


Sincerely, your presidents, 

Alejandro Gutierréz                                                               Samuel González

Get in touch:
(302) 361-7555 // (320) 508-7332
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